Walks in Italy

Walking erases sadness… would you like to walk with us? The project aims to bring together people of different ages with a common interest, introduce them to the local area, and promote walking as a good practice for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


The walks are free; discover the upcoming ones on the calendar!

A.S.D. Valtenna organizes leisure walks of approximately 6/8 km in various locations in the area.


Date: check out our calendar!
Distance: 6/8 km leisure walk
Difficolty: medium/easy

All details about the walks will be shared on ASD Valtenna’s social media pages before each event. Find the links at the bottom of the page.


For registrations:

Doriana +39 339 2210813

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Valtenna

via Capparuccia, 28 – Ponzano di Fermo



Some pictures from past walks!

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Valtenna - via Capparuccia 28 - Ponzano di Fermo (FM) - VAT IT01135750444